Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Trixie Weight Loss Plan

Aaron here, guest blogger! No, this isn't about Trixie overeating...its about a new diet plan for humans invented by...Trixie! It turns out that she can scarf down a bowl of kibble in about 2 minutes, yet it takes her 3 minutes just to eat a SINGLE BABY CARROT. Or how about half of an apple slice? No, I don't mean a whole apple slice...just a HALF. Takes about 2 minutes. How can it be?

I tried to figure out what was going on, so I ate an apple slice using just my front teeth. No molars...just the choppers up in the front. And guess what, it takes forever to eat a vegetable that way. I guess her teeth just aren't made for eating apples and carrots...even though she does love them and they are good for her.

Anyway, if this starts a new diet fad, please call it the Trixie Diet. Thank you. Now back to your regular blogger Stina.

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