Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Random Cuteness

 When Aaron sleeps in, (which is rare) Trixie likes to take my spot on the bed. She's camouflaged. I love the "shame" look on her face. I don't care that she's there.
And check out the adorable puppy paw. Her hang out spot in the bedroom is right next to the balcony door where she can sunbathe!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sitting with buds

Trixie and Henry are still in love but they've definitely calmed down. When Henry would visit us, there would be play going on 24/7. Now, they sleep half the day. Oh, the pups are growing up. Sniff.

Henry still knows his place when staying with us. He never jumps up on the couch and is good at not begging unlike someone else in this photo.