We actually made it to NYC this morning even with the snow blizzard! Eek! Every flight yesterday was canceled except ours. With all the craziness at the airport, people weren't really concerned with a little puppy out of her crate in the terminal. People even asked if they could pet her. She really brought a smile to a lot of stranded people's faces.

And just so everyone can see, this is how much space Trixie's crate sticks out from under the seat and it's still allowed on the flight. No one ever gives us crap for this.
hi there Stina, ive been reading your blog and Trixies stories are so much fun! i have a question, im flying with my dog ( a 13lbs mini dachshund) and we are using JetBlue because of all the great things we have heard about them. i purchased the JB approved carrier and seems to fit my dog just fine, except his head sticks put when he stands up! i wanted to ask you about your experience flying with Trixie using JB. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!