Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Black Tie Event

After our show on Wednesday, there was a black tie event that benefited Sylvia's Place, an emergency overnight shelter for LGBTQ youth. Since Trixie is a star (or at least she think she is...doesn't help with the entire cast calling her "THE STAR!) she wanted to attend, but not just in her regular old puppy fur. She wanted to dress up like everyone else.

Aaron pulled out his bow tie from his tux and donated it to Trixie for the night. She looks so dashing! There may have to be some glamour shots in her future.
What a little model! And Trixie really made a great impression on everyone in the audience too. We made sugar cookies in the shape of Trixie as well as some rice krispie treat squares, sold them for a dollar each to benefit the same fundraiser, and we made $43! Maybe we should start selling stuff on the front stoop?

One last cute factoid: Trixie is the daughter of 2 champion show dogs. Trixie unfortunately has a crooked tail. We don't seem to mind though. It's hard explaining show dogs to my 5 year old I tell her that there are doggie models and Trixie has a crooked tail so she can't be a model.

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