A friend of my mom's, Suzanne, loves westies and has one named Brooke. Trixie loves playing with other westies, so we made a playdate. And boy, did they play?

Brooke chased Trixie under a hutch. However, Brooke couldn't fit under there. We were told that Trixie was dusting the floor too. Oh, joy!

Trixie liked that she was able to jump on the furniture at this house. The couch and bed at our house are too high for her....nope, not these couches! And Suzanne loved to meet my mom's "grand puppy" as she likes to call Trixie.

Brooke liked to look down on Trixie. They tired each other out! It was only about half an hour of playtime and she took at least a 2 hour nap afterwards! Looks like we'll be calling up Brooke again! You can see them chase each other
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