We took Trixie over to my grandparents' house for Turkey day this year. Boy did she love it!? There's a whole enclosed courtyard with a pool there. Also, my grandma loves to feed Trixie things like turkey necks and hearts....what's not to love about that?! She even loved chilling out in grandma's flower bed. I saw grandma giving a little bit of a side eye when this happened and we'll work on it, but it's hard to catch her sometimes.

My cousin Lauren brought over her 1 year old Italian Greyhound, Luna Bon Qui Qui....(that's pronounced Bon Quee Quee if you didn't know) Yes, that's her real name. Sometimes, we just call her Bon Qui Qui. I guess the dog's name used to be Luna but my cousin thought that her name needed something ghetto to follow it up....Trixie and Luna BQQ got along famously. They were chasing each other through the house, through the landscaping, near the turkey, on the pool cover....EVERYWHERE! They were best buds. They even had the same cute pink collars!

Here we all are, trying to take a photo. I guess the girls were more interested in each other than actually posing. Oh well...

They were constantly wrestling! And chasing, and wrestling some more. Trixie has been getting her fair share of play dates! Keep it up, Trix!
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