Saturday, July 16, 2011

Welcome to Maine!

Our new home for the next month and a half is in Maine! Trixie loves it here since there's lots of wide open spaces. We went to Red's, the best frickin' place for lobster rolls! Mmm, worth the hour long wait!And we bought Trixie a ball. It was $2.50 and I can say already that it's the best $2.50 I've ever spent!
Absolutely captivated by this ball!
My dog is actually levitating above the ground!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A gift from a cast member

Tyler from the cast of Rent bought Trixie a yummy cookie! How sweet.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy birthday to us!

We had a mini bbq/birthday/going away party for Trixie and myself this week. First off, my birthday gift from Trixie was amazing. Her card to me read "pack leader." I don't know how she knew that because she doesn't watch "Dog Whisperer."
To apologize for my eaten shoes, she bought me these HOT HOT HOT heels that I've been eyeing for over a month. Tres sexy!Aaron made Trixie her own birthday cake (on the plate in my hand, not the one with berries on it) She loved it. It was gone within 30 seconds I'd say.
And I had to get a birthday shot!

Monday, July 4, 2011

A dark day at the house

A shoe murderer is still at large. If you have any info about this crime, please notify us!

OMG, this was a tragic loss! My shoes need an obit.

Bebe nude stilettos (.5 years old) Always comfortable and got me a ton of callbacks. You will be missed. Stiletto is survived by its mother, Stina.

Trixie must've been nibbling on this shoe for a good 30 minutes. We only knew about it because she brought it from the bedroom to the living room. Sad face!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bubble Time!

We brought bubbles home today!Trixie is captivated!Mommy, give me the bubbles!Nom nom nom!Aaron got this shot and if you look closely you can see the bubble JUST popped.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The ugly of having a dog...

Yep, not everything is rainbows and sunshine when you own a dog. There's always that icky stuff you have to do, such as wiping their butt of runny poo, taking trash off the street out of their mouths with your bare hands, or in this instance, finding weird bumps in their mouths.

You have to know that we were so scared when we saw these. For one, they are really big. Secondly, we did some research online and it could've been two things; warts or a cancerous tumor.

We took her to the vet and luckily for us, it's papillomatosis, or "mouth herpes" for dogs. Obviously, she got it from the dog park and until they are gone, she can't play with any dogs. (sad face)They are extremely contagious and are mainly passed through dogs under the age of two. They can last for up to 5 months (says the vet). Cheese and Rice, right?! So now, Trixie goes on LONG walks to exert a tiny bit of her energy.

Make sure that you check your cute little dog's mouth.