You've been reading a while and may have noticed that every post as a bit of unicorns, puppy dogs, and rainbows in it. But there are definitely days where we want to rip our hair out with potty training, barking, and biting.
All those days were NOTHING compared to today!

Awww, cute bear hat?! What?!

Yes, this little "bear" was a monster today! And you know why? I think she resented the fact that mommy made her wear the bear hat. But c'mon, Halloween is 3 days away and there's a doggie halloween parade in our neighborhood. I don't want to just show up and not have a costume...."Um, yes she's a polar bear!"
But the point is that she was the WORST monster today! I stopped counting after 5 accidents in the house. That's right folks, 5!?!?!?! And yes, I DO think she hates the hat.
I think we'll do better tomorrow, but really, I feel bad for the doggie sitter on halloween night after the hat has been taken off.
UPDATE: Aaron just got home and saw the bear hat that HE PICKED OUT! And we could NOT stop laughing. We were snorting and giggling because she looks absolutely ridiculous in this stupid hat. But she has to wear it for the parade.